Featured Certified Autism Specialist: Marcia Nash

Marcia Nash, Speech and Language Pathologist, MS, CAS
City/State:  Fairbanks, Alaska
School/ Organizations:  Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, Alaska Speech and Hearing Association

1. How has earning the Certified Autism Specialist been meaningful and satisfying?

I have spent much time attending conferences, taking classes and visiting clinics focused on autism therapy.  This credential validates all of my training and gives me the confidence to share my knowledge with others.

2. How has the CAS credential affected your professional growth?

This designation has given me confidence to share my opinion when working with a team of professionals as well as give constructive criticism when needed.

3.  How has your CAS credential been a benefit to your district/ organization/ or employer?

One of the interesting benefits my CAS credential has been the discussions I have had with teachers and administrators about the CAS credential.  This in turn sparks a discussion about autism and how to help the students in our district.

4. How do you like to be recognized, acknowledged and rewarded for a job well done?

It is always nice to be acknowledged for a job well done but the most rewarding experience is seeing students using the skills I have taught them in their natural environment.

5. What is your greatest challenge or roadblock?

My greatest challenge is finding time to plan for student needs with colleagues.  Our therapy could be so much more effective if we were able to discuss successes and failures and create a plan together.

6. What makes you feel like a valuable contributor?

I appreciate acknowledgement when my input has made a positive change for my students.  Seeing my students use their newly acquired skills successfully is the ultimate reward.

7. What do you enjoy most about your job?

Working with students has always been the most rewarding part of my job.  There is nothing better than the “ah ha” moment when a student is finally able to use a concept independently.

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